How to Hypnotize Yourself

Hypnotizing yourself isn’t really rocket science. You do it all the time. As a matter of fact, you do it all day, everyday, though probably not that effectively. How? Every thought you have is a suggestion you’re giving to your subconscious mind. Now, a lot of these thoughts have very little power to them and don’t amount to much, but some do. But if you really want to make changes in your life or create something new for yourself, then formally self-hypnotizing yourself will prove to be much more effective creatively than simply entertaining random thoughts. You need to bring a focused intention to your thoughts and desires to give yourself a better chance of creating what you want. And a good self-hypnosis session is your best bet to do just that.

Three Factors for Successful Self-Hypnosis

Emotional energy, belief, and repetition are three important factors when it comes to empowering our thoughts and making them creative. Some of our thoughts have more power than others because there’s a greater emotional current to them. If you’re excited about a thought, your subconscious mind is more likely to respond to that thought and it will endeavor to try and bring that thought into creation.

Another important factor in empowering thoughts is the level of your belief or confidence in your ability to make your thoughts actually manifest for you. When you infuse confidence into your thoughts, they’re much more likely to become creative thoughts. Now, when you repeat the same thought over and over again and infuse it with emotional excitement and confidence that it will happen, your chances for success skyrocket.  When you combine these three factors, you’re not just hypnotizing yourself, you’re reprogramming your subconscious mind and doing so effectively.

How to Practice Self-Hypnosis

You’ll begin by finding a comfortable spot where you’re not going to be disturbed and you can relax comfortably. A couch or comfortable chair will work well, or even lying down in bed (as long as you’re not one of those people who fall asleep easily). Turn your phone off. Now you’re ready to get started. Take several deep breaths. On each exhale, imagine a powerful wave of relaxation passing through your body from your head all the way down to your toes. Make sure to feel your body relax with each exhale. This little technique will focus your mind on the task at hand and also help you to relax. A lightly relaxed state is all you need to practice self-hypnosis. After four or five deep breaths, you should be ready to put your creative thoughts into action.

You’ll need a short self-hypnosis script. It’s often best to keep them simple and straightforward, and they should always include a visualization since the subconscious mind works best with symbols and imagery. Let’s say you’re a basketball player and you want to become a better free throw shooter. With this type of issue, a visualization of making free throws while exhibiting perfect form, while having just the right arc on the ball, and feeling lots of confidence should do the trick. First you might want to give yourself some suggestions. Something like this:

Every time I shoot a free throw, I’m relaxed and confident
I shoot each free throw with perfect form and accuracy
I’m incredibly consistent with each of my free throws
I’m a great free throw shooter

After repeating these self-suggestions two or three times, it’ll be time for your visualization. Visualize yourself using the same perfect form with each free throw attempt. See yourself making free throw after free throw, making every shot. Also include a visualization of hitting game winning free throws. See yourself being relaxed and confident with every free throw no matter what the situation. You might also think about repeating a short self-suggestion right before taking the shot. This is a technique that a lot of great free throw shooters have practiced throughout the years. You might try something like “over the rim, and in” right before you let the shot go. It can be a reminder that you want to have enough arc on the ball to get it over the rim, and also a reminder that you’re going to make the shot. The visualization should last for two minutes or so. Repeat this self-hypnosis session for at least a few weeks.

This is how simple hypnotizing yourself can be. You should probably study other self-hypnosis scripts to give yourself some good ideas as to how to write your own scripts. Here are some free self-hypnosis scripts for you to peruse.

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Learn Self-Hypnosis

If you are looking to learn about self-hypnosis and make important changes in your life, you might want to check out Bog Copper Transformations. Not only is there a comprehensive section on learning hypnosis, but there is a self-hypnosis tutorial where you can learn how to write your own scripts and learn how to hypnotize yourself.

They also have information on EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and brainwave entrainment, along with articles that relate to making changes. There are articles on how hypnosis can help you stop smoking, keys to successful self-hypnosis, weight loss, visualization tips, epigenetics, and more.

They have a membership they offer for a relatively reasonable cost that gives you download access to all of their mp3s. Their mp3s include inductions as well as regular hypnotherapy sessions. There are also free scripts to peruse as well as an article on how to hypnotize.

So, if you’re interested in auto-suggestion as a means to make improvements in your life, you might want to check them out.

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How To Hypnotize Men – How To Hypnotize A Man And Draw Him In Like A Bee To Honey

Most articles I read about covert hypnosis are poorly constructed and not worth the time.  But Hendric Pasquale’s article is very well written and organized, and he obviously knows what he’s talking about.  Hendric shows how, by using hypnosis and nlp techniques like mirroring along with assumptive languaging and pacing and leading, a woman can attract a man to her and basically get him to do what she wants.  Here’s a sampling of the article:

“You’ve just met a great guy. But here’s the thing — there are many more pretty women all around you. You’re thinking you can’t compete. Or can you? What if you knew how to hypnotize men? What if you could put this guy under your “spell” and make all these other women disappear from his sight? The only thing is how do you learn how to hypnotize a man?

Well, I’m here to tell you it’s not difficult. Here are 4 techniques you can learn if you want to know how to hypnotize men —

1. “Prep” him

Start off by keeping eye contact just a few seconds longer than usual. Follow this up by matching or “mirroring” some of his gestures eg if he touches his chin, do the same. If he swings his leg towards you, follow. After some time, try changing your gesture and see if he follows you unconsciously. If he does, you have in effect connected with him at the unconscious level without him even realizing it. You are ready for your next step.”

To read the rest of the article, go here.

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Glossophobia–Fear of Public Speaking

Christine Woolfenden (DCH, DHP, reg GHR) has written a truly excellent article on Glossophobia (fear of public speaking) at  Glossophobia affects an inordinate number of people.  But the good news is that it is highly treatable with hypnosis therapy.

“Phobias are common. But, glossophobia (the fear of public speaking) is the most prevalent of all, and is thought to affect as many as three out of every four people in Western societies.

As with most phobias, glossophobia tends to develop in response to past experiences, either due to a single traumatic event or through gradual conditioning / association. The fear is then compounded by both negative emotions attached to memories of the past and anticipation/expectation of future poor performance, failure and/or ridicule. The fear of speaking in public is maintained and further compounded by avoidance of public speaking or fixation on it.”

Read the rest of Christine’s article here.

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Hypnosis to Stop Smoking

Pradeep Aggarwal, a hypnosis and NLP practioner, has written an article entitled “Hypnosis–How It Can Help You Stop Smoking Today” over at

Pradeep entails just how, with hypnosis therapy, “you can manipulate your own subconscious into helping you break the psychological addiction to smoking cigarettes.” He also details the many benefits to quitting smoking.

You can find Pradeep’s article here.

Posted in Article Reviews, How to Hypnotize, Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Self-Hypnosis, Stop Smoking | Leave a comment

Hypnotherapy in Colorado

This article, “Hypnotherapy Schools in Colorado,” by Michael Bustamante talks about what is required to become a hypnotherapist in the state of Colorado. But it’s more than that, it also gives a general overview of what being a hypnotherapist is all about. One of the more informative articles on hypnotherapy over at

If you live in Colorado or just have an interest in practicing hypnotherapy, Bustamante’s article is well worth the read. You can find it here.

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Stop Smoking with Rabbi Blank

If you live in the Sacramento area and are looking to quit smoking via hypnosis, Rabbi William Blank has a hypnosis practice in the area and specializes in helping people quit smoking. This isn’t a recommendation as much as a heads up. He offers a two session stop smoking program and claims to have a good degree of success with his program.

Besides being a rabbi, Bill (as he likes to be called), writes user guides for software products and has run marathons and competed in triathlons. He has twenty years experience as a hypnosis practitioner. He also has a website to promote his practice, and you can find it here.

Posted in How to Hypnotize, Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Self-Hypnosis, Stop Smoking, Website Reviews | Leave a comment

7 Killer Tips to Hypnotize Someone Instantly

The title for this article, “7 Killer Tips to Hypnotize Someone Instantly,” is a bit of a misnomer as there is only one actual hypnosis technique listed in the article in which you could instantly hypnotize someone. The first of Luke Cameron’s “Tips” talks about the handshake induction technique. This is a legitimate technique for instant induction. Most instant hypnosis techniques rely on catching the subject off-guard. The handshake induction is one such technique.

There really aren’t that many techniques that induce hypnosis instantly. One that you may have seen in an on-stage hypnosis show, entails a hypnotist walking behind an unsuspecting participant on-stage who is standing up and focused on some task the hypnotist has assigned–such as trying to unclasp their hands which the hypnotist directed them to clasp and then gave them the suggestion that no matter how hard they try to unclasp their hand, their hands become even tighter clasped together. And as they are focused on unsuccessfully trying to unclasp their hands, the hypnotist quite suddenly pulls them backwards from behind, says something like “sleep,” and then catches them before they hit the floor. This techniques causes the participant to lose their equilibrium suddenly which brings the participant’s subconscious mind to the forefront. The hypnotist will then use suggestions to further deepen the trance.

Do not try this at home. It requires a lot of practice for hypnotists to become proficient at this technique or the handshake technique (here, you suddenly pull hard on the subjects hand and arm as you’re shaking their hand). Both techniques are risky and should be used by professionals only.

Cameron’s article can be found here.

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The Power of Self Hypnosis

Okay, there’s not much here.  This is an article, “The Power of Self Hypnosis,” by Sergey Popov over at in which he discusses some of the benefits of  practicing self-hypnosis.

He talks briefly about how self-hypnosis can help you to sleep better, stop smoking, and develop a healthier lifestyle.  At the end of the article, there is a link to a self-hypnosis course.

Popov’s article can be found here.

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Stress Management with Self-Hypnosis

If you’re looking for a simple self-hypnosis primer, Joel Chue has written an article over at entitled “Stress Management with Self-Hypnosis.” In the article, Chue has created a simple three-step process for practicing self-hypnosis.

The first step, “Prepare, then relaxation,” tells you how to prepare and get started with your self-hypnosis practice. The second step deals with “Suggestions,” and the third step, “Rejuvenation and Awakening,” tells you how to awaken from your self-induced trance.

Chue’s article can be found here.

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